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Independent Studies




Short Term Independent Study (STIS)


STIS contracts are for short term absences only. STIS must be approved by the Principal or Assistant Principal, at least 5 days in advance to give
teacher/s time to compile the student’s STIS assignments. A STIS contract is for a minimum of 5 days and no more than 15. For more than 15 days,
students must transfer to the Ocean Alternative Independent Study Program/School.

REQUEST:   To approve a parent/guardian request for STIS the following must apply:
▪ Student is not a chronic or habitual absentee.
▪ The reason for absence/s must be documented in the student information system.
▪ Instruction equivalent to in-seat classwork for the total days a student will be absent must be provided before absences begin.
▪ Students must be capable of understanding and completing assignments (The parent agrees and commits to assist the student, as

BEFORE STIS:   To start the process of STIS when the parent/guardian request is approved:

❖ Principal or Assistant Principal will:
➢ Assure completion (including all necessary signatures) of the STIS Agreement For Short-Term Independent Study AND Student Work
Assignment Record (SWAR)
➢ Route the SWAR to each of the student’s classroom/course teacher/s to complete their sections

❖ Teacher/s will:
➢ Enter assignments on the SWAR, use attachments if needed
➢ Either the elementary classroom teacher or middle school advisory teacher shall sign and date the SWAR on the line titled, “Classroom
Teacher” (at the top of the SWAR).
➢ Considerations:
■ if the student is asymptomatic they can do a good share of independent student work
■ if the student is symptomatic and sick, keep that in mind when assigning work
➢ Provide work covering from the first day they were absent
➢ Whenever possible provide assignments that can be done without parents having to come pick up materials
➢ Assign work that they can completed independently and do not assign new projects
➢ IMPORTANT: keep in mind that an assignment from each content area will need to be provided as evidence of the work done
with each SWAR - the assignment does not have to be graded, just completed by the student
➢ Return the SWAR to the principal and/or designee (with attachments/materials if applicable)

❖ Principal or Assistant Principal will:
➢ Provide the parent with packet, copy of the fully completed SWAR and attachments/materials if applicable, and agreement
➢ Meet with the parent and student to review agreements and obtain parent/student signatures
➢ Start the student file in the shared drive (as per separate instructions)

UPON RETURN FROM STIS:   Completed assignments must be received on the first day back or no credit is earned.  To complete the STIS process when student returns:

❖ Teacher/s will:
➢ Collect assignments from the student on the first day back, evaluate the assignments, and enter total days and academic credit earned
on the SWAR, fully complete the bottom of the SWAR, digital signatures are acceptable
➢ Attach an assignment from each content area to the SWAR. Send all other original assignments which are not needed for the
student’s record, or copies of online assignments, to the school’s office

❖ Principal, Assistant Principal or Office designee will:
➢ Certify the teacher/s evaluation/s on the bottom of the SWAR, including signature
➢ Submit the written agreement, SWAR, and assignment to the shared drive as per instructions, with in 48 hours of the student returning
the to schools/returned work


California Education Code Section 51747 strictly delineates the parameters to be used in the Independent Study (IS) contract. All IS assignments must be completed during the student’s absence and turned into the school office on the first day back to school.